Artificial Intelligence (AI)?


The crux of artificial intelligence is developing computer systems that equal or exceed human intelligence. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the study of computer science that focuses on developing software or machines exhibiting human intelligence.

                    AI is a broad topic that ranges from simple calculators to self-steering technology to something that might change the future.

Goals and Applications

                  The primary goals of AI include reasoning and deduction, representation of knowledge, planning, natural language processing (NLP), learning, perception, and the manipulating and object moving ability. Long-term goals include Social Intelligence, achieving Creativity, and General (human level) Intelligence.


Types of AI

           There are various forms of AI that can be divided broadly into the following three categories based on AI’s capabilities:

Weak AI, which is also called as Narrow AI, can focus on one task. It has no self-awareness or genuine intelligence.

A good example is “iOS Siri” that combines several weak AI techniques to function. It can fulfil many needs of the user, and its narrow mindedness is demonstrated when we try having conversations with the virtual assistant.

Strong AI, also known as True AI, is a computer that has equal intelligence as that of the human brain. This will be able to perform all tasks that a human can do. A lot of research is going on in this field, but there is much more to go.

Artificial Super intelligence is a much smarter intellect than the best human brains in almost every field, including scientific creativity, general wisdom and social skills.

This is the reason why many prominent scientists and technologists have raised their concerns about the possibility of human extinction.


          BOT is the basic example of a weak AI that can do automated tasks on your behalf. Chat bots are one of the first automated programs to be called “bots.” AI and machine learning are needed for chat bots. Web crawlers that are used by Search Engines like Google are a perfect example of a sophisticated and advanced BOT.



  1. आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस - जीवन का नया तरीका। क्या बात की है आपने।

  2. Which is the strongest AI currently


My Visume- Goutham Solleti